About Lucy |
Lucy Yuying Pei was born in 1970 in North East China and has been living in Ireland since 1998. She is a FENG SHUI consultant and instructor who trained in China and has been taught by the Grand Master Pei Weng who is President of both the Chinese I-Ching Science and Culture Association and the Global Association of FENG SHUI. Lucy has also been trained by Pei Chun Yun who is Principal of the FENG SHUI Institute of China. Lucy is a member of the I-Ching Science and Culture Association and the Global Association of FENG SHUI. She graduated from an advanced course on Chinese culture and FENG SHUI Applications at the Tsinghua University, Beijing which is one of the top universities in China. This course was the first of its kind and was attended by many of the FENG SHUI masters in China. Lucy is the only Irish & EU based person who graduated from the course. In addition, Lucy is the first member of the Pei family to bring Chinese Feng Shui to Ireland & Europe.